His mouthpiece has a smooth baffle with no ledge” “WHAT!!! Come on! Are you kidding me! Why release a MB model that isn’t like Michael’s mouthpiece and then release a MBII that is still not like his mouthpiece? Is this a conspiracy?” Still, I could not get a definitive answer, everyone I talked to had a different take and opinion.Ī few years later, PMS mouthpieces release it’s own line of Michael Brecker mouthpieces and I reviewed the PMS MBII tenor saxophone mouthpiece right here at. “Yeah, the MBII is closer to the Brecker sound but Michael didn’t really play a MBII.

Wouldn’t you know, soon after, I started hearing more rumors and gossip on the internet. Thank you WWBW!!! Now I could try the mouthpiece that my idol used. Then WWBW released the MBII mouthpiece! I heard that this was finally the actual mouthpiece that Michael Brecker actually used. I tried to find out the truth from a variety of sources on the internet including SOTW and other various chat rooms and forums but it seemed like I could never get a straight answer and every person I talked to had a different opinion and experience to share……. WWBW Guardala MB Model Tenor Sax Mouthpiece Baffle “WHAT!! Is this true?” “What the heck!” “Why release a MB model that wasn’t what Brecker played on?” I was confused, angry and disappointed again. Soon after, I started hearing and reading gossip and rumors that Brecker didn’t actually use the MB model I had just bought.

I immediately bought one and started playing it. I was ecstatic! Finally, I could try the exact tenor sax mouthpiece model that my idol Michael Brecker played on. Original Guardala Studio Model Tenor Sax Mouthpiece BaffleĪ little while later, I heard that WWBW was releasing a Guardala MB tenor sax mouthpiece. I found the palm key notes and altissimo thin sounding to my ear and I ended up selling the Guardala Studio model tenor saxophone mouthpiece a few months later. It was even brighter and edgier than my Sugal JB1 that I had. Although the Studio model was in that Brecker ballpark as far as sound, I found it extremely bright and too buzzy for me. I thought now that I had an original hand finished Guardala tenor mouthpiece, that my search would be over. Years later, I bought an original Guardala Studio model tenor saxophone mouthpiece in search of that elusive Michael Brecker type tenor sound. Although this mouthpiece got me a lot closer to that Brecker sound and tone, it was still too bright and harsh for my tastes. That is the mouthpiece I used in this recording of Mike Stern’s Chromazone from the early 90’s. This mouthpiece got me a lot closer to that Brecker type of tenor sax sound in my opinion. Years later, I switched to a Sugal JB1 tenor saxophone mouthpiece that I bought off of Jerry Bergonzi. I could just not get there with that mouthpiece for whatever reason.

Although it seemed like a fine mouthpiece, I was really frustrated with it as I tried to imitate that Brecker type of tenor saxophone tone. I started off on the tenor saxophone playing on a Brilhart Level-aire tenor sax mouthpiece. Soon after that, I switched to the tenor sax full-time and have been playing it as my main saxophone ever since. Couf tenor sax I was chasing after that elusive Brecker sound and tone. I was obsessed and had to get a tenor saxophone! From the moment I got my first H. That all changed around 1986 when I first heard Brecker on a recording and then saw him live with Steps Ahead in Buffalo NY. I played alto saxophone all through high school and college and even though I had heard tons of tenor players during those years I never thought once of switching to the tenor saxophone. Matter of fact, I think I am mainly a tenor sax player because of Michael Brecker. I’m sure there are many of you out there that can relate to this. I had every album and CD I could find with Michael Brecker playing on it. I was a huge Michael Brecker fan in the 80’s- 90’s. Original Guardala Tenor Sax Mouthpiece (not Brecker’s mouthpiece) The issue is, what model Guardala mouthpiece did Michael Brecker actually play and what did the inside of his mouthpiece actually look like? Specifically, the baffle……… Sometime in the early 80’s he switched to a Guardala tenor saxophone mouthpiece and he played a Guardala tenor sax mouthpiece until his death in early 2007. The issue is this: Michael Brecker played a Guardala tenor sax mouthpiece, no one will argue with this fact, it is well known by fans of Michael Brecker. I started a discussion on this subject on Facebook but thought it would be good to post what I discovered here as well so we don’t have to keep discussing this every 7 months over and over again. I wanted to write a blog post on this subject because there has been a lot of discussion and confusion over the years about the Guardala tenor saxophone mouthpiece that Michael Brecker played on.